When you’re thrown from the hot desert & the incomprehensible reality of 9 year olds sniffing petrol, suicidal hangings, & young girls roaming the streets to escape the violence & horrors of home; into the starkly juxtaposed world of crystal clear, turquoise blue waters & 21 year olds with $200,000 boats competing to voice their music & social status in the world renowned tourist attraction off of Perth- that just happened to be a prison for the Aboriginal people for almost 100 years… you kind of don’t know what to do with yourself, except weep & wail at the extremely contrasted levels of human realities that are being lived & experienced all over the world right now as we speak…
No Farmers - No Food.
EpochTV’s “Facts Matter” host Roman Balmakov traveled around the world to over 25 locations and interviewed over 50 farmers, scientists, and experts in the United States, The Netherlands, and Sri Lanka to get to the truth behind this global agenda and investigate the coming global food crisis that is being ignored by the world’s media…
4 years ago my life was looking pretty well set up. I was working for a resort in the Mentawais, & the plan was to spend 3 months there each year- surfing, shooting content, curating interviews & articles for the resort. BUT, life doesn’t always go the way we plan it. “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20. Now having just spent 3 months sailing around Indonesia on a 65ft catamaran… wow. God WANTS to give you the desires of your heart, and make the unimaginable imaginable.
Sailing through Indonesia, we’re currently anchored off of an island in Nusa Tengarra Timor. Palm frond huts line the beaches & families live off the land and sea; being extremely knowledgeable, resourceful & self-sufficient in everything that they do. It’s ironic, & quite interesting really, as westerners coming out to these places, these remote islands, thinking that we can bless these villages & help these people, when really it is our first-world nations that need the help…
A 12 hour bus ride from Kupang to Dili, will take you across the border of Indonesia & into Timor Leste; a beautiful mountainous country teeming with coral reefs & marine life. Previously colonised by the Portuguese and occupied by Indonesia, in 2002 TL gained independence, making it the world’s youngest country.
CONTEXT: Trekking barefoot through a Japanese jungle to get to an abandoned temple, which just happens to be Japans largest Kannon… before we get into the juicy bits (a raw, written journal entry of an encounter with God), here’s some context & background on what this carved deity is all about…
So I end up buying a bike from the re-use store. Hands down the BEST way to travel Japan. The grand plan was to gun it to Shikoku- a 9 hour car drive from Enoshima- where an old friend resides, & where surf was a guarantee. Let’s just say I was overly ambitious in wanting to achieve that in my 7 remaining days. But hey, when you step out & take action, when you trust & just go for it, when you take that leap of faith; God is absolutely beaming at you & your enthusiasm & he’s going to support you the whole way. And oh boy how he did…
The symbolism of the Serpent in different cultures, spiritual practices & modern media.
“In the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5. These are the words of the serpent spoken to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Since the fall of man, Satan has prepared the way for his masterpiece of deception through the symbol of the serpent, weaving his way into different cultures, spiritual practices & modern media.
In a day & age where doing whatever you want, being gender undefined, resonating more as an animal or object than a human being, having one night stands & regular Tinder hookups, free access to pornography, marketing our exposed & overtly sexualised bodies through social media, hailing our newest accomplishments & achievements online, merging into a virtual reality world, turning to A.I & technology to become like God… maybe it’s time to just step back & take a look at the bigger picture here…
Transhumanism, just to clarify, is the merging of science & technology to transcend human limitation. AKA the merging of the internet & artificial intelligence inside of us… Elon Musk has been paving the way for it it, Klaus Schwab (World Economic Forum leader) has been eluding to its implementation, & Joe Biden has now passed an executive order on it…
“What do you make of this thing, biblical or the media?!” says a character in the trailer… UMMMM I’m going to say 100% BIBLICAL. Thank you for sharing with us the whole last chapter of the Bible!! Today, the 25th of August, marks FX’s release of the TV series titled Little Demon, an animated comedy featuring the voices of Danny DeVito, Lucy DeVito & Aubrey Plaza. The description on the official trailer writes…
Time spent south & at the Abrolhos Islands. Surf, sea lions, dolphins, super 8, psychedelia…
Ahhhh the great controversy… which religion is the RIGHT religion? Don’t all religions lead to God? Isn’t it arrogant to say that only one religion leads to salvation? These are common questions that our world wrestles with to search for truth, and a greater meaning and connection with God. This article has taken me a long time to write. Realistically, to release and actually hit publish…
As much as I had the dream life setup, I was yearning for something more. Simplicity. To narrow my visual field to only the most beautiful aesthetics; glistening water, the silhouette of a surfer jumping off of the rocks to a beautiful left hand point break, sunlight shining through the trees, through the forest, wholesome home-cooked meals on a rock, & good friends. Simplicity. A life outdoors basically. Trick is you’ve got to make all these things happen, step outside & put your vision into action…
Frozen meat pies and Smith chips have almost taken over the popularity of toilet paper… almost. Perth Costco opening amidst the lingering COVID19 outbreak…
What is it that draws us to these places? These small towns where the local pie shop and mellow right hander are all that are beautifully on offer. Apart from the lush bushland & ascending headlands that gape in grandeur when you perch yourself on the edge of their rocky outcrop, the small community feel & cruisey vibes of this town are what keep drawing us back…
It’s not very often you have the opportunity to design & paint someone’s home, especially when it’s a mobile 1979 Leyland bus…Californian retro meets Australian desert. This is Mojito.
The journey there took 30 hours. We spent our time reading and getting lures prepared for the expectation of catching some gnarly fish. We stopped midway on a reef-shelf & ended up…
We've been trecking out into the remoter villages in the North of Lombok for the past week, supporting communities that haven't received initial help. Over 6 days we were able to reach and improve the current living situation for over 5000 people, we're still counting. These were families and villages located in the North East of Lombok, including the Rempek area and Banjur.
As we boarded the boat headed to North West Island, this tiny strip of land that we would be living and camping on for the next 7 days, with our two cars worth of gear, boards and leisurely essentials (apparently, we packed light) we had little idea of what we’d be in for...
We scored a few waves, watched the sinking sun atop the cliffs, glamped in the bush with Soul Camping’s bohemian styled bell tents, talked about dreams, goals, aspirations, and the most random shit, all over the melodious strum of the guitar. In the end it’s the people you meet, the stories you share, and the little things that really make your world go round. These past weeks encompassed all three, that’s fo sure.
Wowza. Who would’ve thought spending 10 days picking up trash could turn into one of the most phenomenal weeks of your life. 10 days, 12 beautiful, inspiring humans, and an absolute shit tonne of rubbish. On location in Cape York Queensland with Clean Coast Collective at Chilli Beach, one of the remotest stretches of sands in Australia...
The North West of Aus. In these remote, arid stretches of red dirt and raw rugged plains, it’s easy to immerse yourself in the land and disconnect from society and the habitual use of social media. In fact...
Perth to the Gold Coast; a whopping 6,324 kilometres of vast undulating plains and a meandering coastline that is an absolute pleasure to surf and simply soak the soul. I was offered a free flight across to travel...
Upon walking up to a grassy ledge above Dhampus camp, we watched the shades of the mountains turn from black silhouettes to dappled misty greys; the rising sun a ginormous ball of pink light...