As we ride into 2024, information on what is actually going on behind the puppetry & dark arts of mainstream media is getting harder and harder to come by. If we do happen to stumble upon any form of truth, it is labelled as ‘disinformation’ or ‘misinformation.’ The World Health Organisation has already predicted this would be the number one greatest global risk over the next two years. Huh, go figure. Who determines what is misinformation?
Thank God there are still independant journalism platforms that are shining a light on & lifting the veil over the realities of the world that we live in. EpochTV’s “Facts Matter” host Roman Balmakov traveled around the world to over 25 locations and interviewed over 50 farmers, scientists, and experts in the United States, The Netherlands, and Sri Lanka to get to the truth behind this global agenda and investigate the coming global food crisis that is being ignored by the world’s media.
Documentary trailer & link to watch below. I’m going to brake down a few things in the rest of this article & include some snippets of what is said in the documentary…
The UN’s AGENDA 2030 //
Originally Agenda 21, which was adopted by more than 178 Governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Brazil 1992, is now known as AGENDA 2030. With 17 sustainable development goals & 169 targets, all to be reached by every nation on the earth by 2030. Green is good ya?
The question is, how can the government possibly reach all of these sustainability goals without micromanaging our entire lives?
In the Netherlands, Dutch farmers are being forced to shut down their small scale family run farming practices due to the government’s “green policies” that limit nitrogen emissions. Mining & mass factory production isn’t killing our planet, cow poop is.
In California, dams are being shut down to save a salmon species that isn’t even indigenous to the area, causing a flow on effect for cattle ranches & farmers. Farm property is becoming worthless because of the new green policies in place, forcing families off of their land; they cannot sell the property if it can no longer operate as a farming / agriculture business under the new climate regulations. So what happens to the land? The government will step in & take it of course. It’s never been about saving the fish- it’s always been about having control over the water & land.
In Sri Lanka, the use of synthetic pesticides was banned overnight, and with no transition put in place, this caused farm production levels to drop by 60%, which in turn caused a massive shortage of food and a major economic crisis. The cost of everything from food to fuel went up and within a mere few months Sri Lanka went from a robust agricultural economy with a food surplus, to a massive economic crisis that resulted in food and fuel shortages and rising inflation that caused its citizens to work up to 5 jobs to make ends meet... all because of one new law unilaterally enacted by its president. Farmers everywhere are committing suicide as they cannot provide for themselves or their families. This is a direct result of Agenda 2030. Saving the earth in the name of sustainability, and killing millions of people from starvation & depression in the process.
The environment & the ‘climate crisis’ is being used as a tool for the government to achieve power & control, more than it is an end goal to actually protect nature.
“America was founded on the concept of self-rule, where the people would rule the government. Land ownership is the key ingredient from protecting people from government rule. The founding fathers of America understood that the small landholders are the most important part of the state… the land would be distributed among the people, so they could always control their government. The ultimate agenda is that there is no ownership over land- so that we don’t own anything. We either own property, or we are property. They have to eliminate our ability to control our government, which means they have to take our land.” -Margaret Byfield, Executive Director, American Stewards of Liberty.
2030: “OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY” - Klaus Schwab, The World Health Organisation
“Small farms cannot keep up and comply with the endless forms of regulations being put in place. We’re seeing this in China, where these giant, mechanised, big government, corporate control megafarms are displacing all these little family farms that families have been farming for hundreds of years. The government is moving them off their little plots of land and moving them into these big mega-cities that they have built. We are going to see this happen all over the world- the decimation of small farms. If farms are not bankrupted by economic forces, the government themselves will shut them down.” -Alex Newman, President, Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc
JOSHUA 1:9 // “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Deo Gloria art.